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Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Things You Missed... (7)

Baby kid,
I am sorry that I'm being weak again. But actually I've gained more strength enough!
I'll really try harder to make this the last chapter of Things You Missed.

You know I always talk a lot. Every day, literally every day that has gone by since our breakup, I always had something (a lot of things sometimes hehe) I really wanted to tell you.

Like what's going on in the office today... Or silly thing that happened to me the other day... Maybe merely just my curiosity about what's happening in the other side of the world... We were talking about Halloween, if you still remember. You promised me you'd show me pictures of how it's going in the office with all the Halloween vibes, at the end of October. Hey I found pumpkins in my kitchen, out of other root vegetables... eh is pumpkin even a kind of root veggie? Well out of other usual fruits that my dad brings back from our farm, it is so unusual to see pumpkins! And I saw two of them in the kitchen yesterday. What a timing...

You know, I still read our old conversations whenever the void in my heart is aching too much. Then I will cry (who would want such a vulnerable girl like me, I wonder). No... not crying to sleep, you know I can't make good friends with sleep. Last night, after days of peaceful sleeps (but still not enough hours, only 4-5 hrs each night huhuhu please don't be aging too quickly, my skin!), I had insomnia again :( I was awake the entire night, so again I took wudhu and on the prayer mat, I poured my heart out to Allah. I was crying.. and crying.... in the darkness of my room. Thanks to you getting up at 3-4 to pray is becoming like a habit now for me...

To you, I am only an insignificant part of a small chapter, but to me, you are like all chapters. Umm... not really all chapters but like making up the most meaningful chapters. That explains why I'm still having it hard even after 3 weeks went by. I am this fragile and I'm glad you seem not to notice it....

This week I'm invited to come over to my friend's to cook together Korean foods. I had already been thinking about what to bake this weekend, though. Maybe I'll just make a simple baking on the other day of the weekend when I'm home. And while I was awake last night, you know I think of things randomly right, one of them was... I wanted to go hiking. I still want to go hiking. I wanted to be surrounded by a nice beautiful soothing view, getting blended with nature. But we don't have many options here in Depok. No mountains nearby. So I was thinking to go to Kawah Putih in Bandung... how nice would it be if I could make it on my birthday! But then I remembered... the night before my birthday... I am invited to a friend's wedding and I've promised I'd go. Well perhaps this birthday trip plan is not blessed by the God, it also happens that my best friend who resides in Bandung will have to go to Jakarta on my birthday.

What's all this talk about birthday trip -___-
As if I'd get thaaat excited welcoming my new age? Blah. Another pressure is yet to come.... be prepared, Sarah. Hahaha.      


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