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Friday, October 20, 2017

The Unwanted Feeling

Almost two weeks.
There's not a day went by that I didn't think of you.
I still love you as much, I still miss you as much.

"I still love you. But it's time to move on", you said. You've turned cold.
"I can love hard but I can drop it if I have to", echoing in my head.

I wish I had that kind of ability.

"I'll be honest. How you handled this has made it easier for me to move on from you."

Then it's never really love, what you felt for me....
When I said to you it could be some other feelings mistaken for love... Maybe it's true.

But you made me feel so loved. Even if it only lasted for a short time only.
Now you're drawing the line and building the wall, this is what hurts me the most.
I feel like I've went from being loved to loathed. And such feeling... is the worst, the most painful.

I know you're doing the right thing, and the right thing isn't always pleasant to receive.
I know maybe I should really consider to leave, but finding another job and starting all over from zero, with my heart still only has you. It would be more painful to do. I'm always realistic anyway.

In the end, I can only trust in Allah's plans. I'm afraid I really have to force myself to grow old alone, and this thought scares me all the times.... May I have the courage to face everything God has destined for me.


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