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Thursday, October 12, 2017

Things You Missed... (2)

Hey, baby kid.

I'm getting stronger today but there's something I wanted to share to you yesterday. You know, like always. Look at this picture below:
No you don't have no idea what they are :p

My father #1 at office (you know who we're talking about ok, don't get more count on FV!) once challenged me to eat the small round fried thing. I tell you that is called Combro, made of cassava and has oncom filling. Oncom is... you can Google it hehe. So usually Combro comes in bigger, like twice the size shown above, so this is mini Combro. So one day father #1 just got back from the meeting room and with his face expression like he just ate something crazily spicy, he was like "Sar, try the combro. Have you? They got this super hot chili paddy inside oh I'm burning, spicy as hell!" so I calmly said, "I ate, Pak. That is completely nothing to me...." a grin on my face. "Ah you sure? Try eat 3 of them!" so I replied, "I ate 1 and also the chocolate banana roll, Pak. Not that I can't eat more combro but you know I'm trying to watch my calories..."

That was maybe a week prior to yesterday. Yesterday in the monthly meeting, we had what's on the pic for snack! I was having difficulty concentrating during the meeting you know what, I couldn't mention the name of the next one to do the presentation right away, I was like, "...that will be presented by... (seconds of silence) Pak X." Hahaha. Yes I was gloomy yesterday, yesterday I was weak but today I've been getting stronger. So my lack of concentration was to blame you  my weak heart, not because I was craving for the snacks ok....

So... well... After the meeting ended, Father #1 started eating the chocolate banana roll haha. He had had enough with the Combro, he said to the Marketing Manager when he told him he accidentally ate the chili inside the mini combro as he'd forgotten it had chili inside, "Spicy as hell!", he said. Father #1 then replied, "That's why I'm eating the banana." Then he just suddenly noticed me in front of him tidying up the projector and laptop, his eyes cheeky, and I got this feeling that he was going to let me do the challenge. And I was right. So confidently, I ate 1.... calmly. He was, "Did you throw away the chili inside?" Noooo hahaha. So I ate the second piece... even more calmly and carefully showed him bite by bite I ate. And finally, I grabbed the last piece... still needed no water... still ate it calmly.... and I really did not drink anything. Uselessly proud of myself *self applause*. "Pak, I honestly can eat the whole plate still without drinking, you know. I'm just watching my calories... haha" and he was still stunned and started to complement me, while the Purchasing Manager who knows me sooo well, seated next to him, had always tried to sell me since the first pc of combro I ate, "Pak, you just had no idea. When I cooked her food with to me highest level spiciness, she would say it wasn't spicy enough.... This combro is really nothing for her." So I won, but.... for no reward. Hahaha.

So, baby kid. That's a not important at all story I wanted to tell you yesterday... Noona was very weak, which would annoy you... But she's trying hard to be stronger. You won't read this, but Noona wants you to know that she was having a bad day yesterday, lack of concentration in everything, even hit her hip again to some solid things, which you used to comment "not because you're too skinny but you are clumsy". Hehe. Noona starts to smile and laugh a lot today, because she had got some texts from you in the morning, and because she keeps trying more to be stronger. She doesn't want to annoy you or disappoint you. But missing you every second is really hard for her... She still falls apart like when she was suddenly missing you too much in the lunch time she got teary again in the corner of her desk today.... Noona still finds no way to move on from you, she sometimes gets anxious from the thought you would easily forget her and find her replacement.... But she has no choice but to live on.... And tries to put more and more faith to the Creator. There's no other way other than letting God do His work on this, this is what she believes, the immature Noona who always thinks of you, mature baby kid. 


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