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Friday, February 24, 2017

Lingering Feeling

I.. was trying to accept the fact, that we weren't meant to be.
You.. wanted me to get rid of such a thought.

I.. kept wanting a separation.
You.. were trying to convince me, there'd be a way.

I.. tried to stay away from you.
You.. kept coming back.

I.. tried to move on from you.
You.. came looking for me.

I.. tried to make you understand that we won't do.
You.. begged me to give a chance.

I.. tried to make you understand, it's time to give up.
You.. promised me you'd try harder.

I.. put my trust for once.
You.. broke it.

I.. didn't want to let you go.
You.. kept coming back.

I.. broke my heart seeing you suffered.
You.. kept suffering.

I.. tore my heart seeing you got dispirited.
You.. begged for one more chance.

I.. tearfully wished you a happy life without me.
You.. said you needed time.

I.. wanted you to realize the time was passing by.
You.. said nothing.

I.. was unconsciously getting used to you who kept coming back.
You.. were slowly moving from me away.

I.. was making sure you're fine without me.
You.. seemed to be alright.

I.. kept forgetting you're a normal guy who goes by logic.
You.. have made it clear you are.

I.. tried to have you replaced but your image kept showing.
You.. appeared to have chosen her.

I.. didn't see it coming so soon.
You.. are not at fault.

One thing I know for sure.

I.. loved you dearly.
You.. never loved me less.



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