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Friday, June 30, 2017

I Am Tired

Aku capek....

Drained emotionally. And tired physically.

Trying to be strong. Trying to restore my faith. But I'm almost in the edge of falling down.

Aku capek. Aku sendiri. Aku sepi. Berapa malam lagi harus kuisi dengan keterjagaan saat sebenarnya aku butuh off sejenak dari semua pikiran yang nggak terkontrol ini. People in anxiety are crying to sleep. How can't I? I cry but still awake. It makes me even more tired.

Aku capek.... Capek banget. I wanna be somewhere else. I want to be able to forget and erase all that happened during end of 2011 to February 2017. Of course it includes the whole nightmares following after Feb. When my world was in a complete disaster.

I wanna restore my faith in God and I am trying hardest. But there are always ups and downs. When at down stage, I really wish I could fall asleep and not wake up. Fall in an eternal sleep.... Karena kucapek.

2:30 am
At last coming back here again after holding myself for so many many times in the last few months. Sorry....