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Friday, September 13, 2019

Life After Resigning....

So I decided to actually resign from the previous company, right after I did Umrah - the pilgrimage to the holy lands. It was in the end of October - I submitted my resignation in November and December before the year end/Christmas holiday was my last day.

It was an emotional farewell with the co-workers, and the boss. My boss spent the last hour to speak with me, hoping that I could find whatever I was seeking. When I first told him my resigning intention, he offered me help. He understood that I had no problem at all with my works (except that yes I did get very bored already), with the people, and that what I really needed... was actually a break. That I needed to search for that something that may require me to go out of home for the time being, even as going further as to leave the country. Without I asked, he was willing to give me a month break and when I rejoin, he would arrange me to work at one of the sister companies abroad. A very tempting offer I had to say no... because I had my own reason. However, his kind consideration will be one of the things I will always remember about him even after he's no longer my boss :)

Around beginning of January, I isolated myself for a week, in an apartment I rented in a neighboring city. I was going to restart my life all over again, making plans, rerouting my life direction, finding my purpose, all grand plans hahaha. In fact, though, I ended up dwelling more in my loneliness. I watched TV and I cried, I was going to exercise but binged eating instead, I couldn't sleep at night and when I did, he would appear in my dream. I woke up feeling so empty. It's like the episodes that already happened once in my life but were reoccurring once again. This time even worse, because I had my own anxiety of the future - mainly because up to that point, I had always been a financially stable woman, and the thought that I was unemployed extremely terrified me. It gave me another nightmare - the overthinking side of myself always reminded me of how I might have no income until only God knows when and yet I knew I wasn't ready for another job given I was still in a confusion about my inner state.

Another thing that gave me anxiety, was the fact that I just discovered that I have an illness. Only within a few days upon being unemployed, some days at the end of December, I discovered that I actually had a genetic illness that needed quite a sum of money for treatment. Thankfully it's not a life threatening disease, but it is most likely the reason I'd been searching for what caused my migraine that I had a lot since I was young. My mum suggested that I cancel my planned trips and use my savings to undergo the treatment, and it broke my heart in an instance, to think that I might have to do as she said. However at last I still listened to my heart and go on with my plan :)

My Umrah pilgrimage brought something else in me. Before I turned 29 that year after I came back from the holy trip, I realized that something big had already taken place, in my inner heart. It has played a big part in my life journey. I was starting to be someone different, yet remained the same in many aspects.

When I decided to leave the workplace, I had been so sure that one of the things I wanted to do was solo travel. Coming back to my home after a week isolation, I began to take real action on some travel plans I had made.

January. I went to Jogjakarta, the place that belongs to everyone's heart, the place that always welcomes any of us who's looking for peacefulness, or simply wants to refresh a bit from their life problems, hahaha. There's something about Jogja that makes you want to go back there every once in a while. I went there with a beloved friend of mine I sometimes call Eonnie as she's older even though tiny, hehe. Details of the trip, along with the other trips I've done, will be written in a separate post. In this month, I also watched Blackpink concert in Jakarta with two besties, haha.

February. My nephew had been born. And I fall in love once again. I'm officially an aunt now, and I love him no less than her mom loves him. I dedicated this month wholly to assist my big sister from her delivery to taking care of the newborn. I held him in my arms, put him to sleep, and cleaned his poopy when he was only 2 days young, when her mom was still too weak to do these. I love him more and more each day, but little did I know this love would again one day be my another burden....

March. Another trip I made to Bandung. With a bestie, to meet another bestie whose mom got ill. If asked which cities I love in Indonesia, Bandung and Jogja are definitely on my list. It was a short trip but I remember when I got home from the city, I fell sick - cold and cough a.k.a batpil so I couldn't spend as much time with the newborn!

April. I decided to postpone my solo trip and wait until my nephew turned 2 months. I didn't have the heart to let my big sis, the baby's mom, take the new mom stress syndrome all to herself. And I love the baby. But I still needed to go so Hong Kong trip is made during this month. I departed from my home end of March and spent 3 weeks in this wonderful country.

May. From Hong Kong, I moved to Taiwan. I stayed there in Taichung for two weeks since mid of April until beginning of May. It was approaching Ramadan so I needed to go home and spend the holy month with the family.

June. The biggest celebration of Muslim falls in this month in this year: Eid al Fitr. My family and I (already minus my big sis and my nephew I love so much!!!) decided to celebrate it in my mom's hometown, Lampung, the southest part of Sumatera island. I waited until the end of the month to make another trip to China - Beijing this time.

July. Up to this day when I'm typing this, I've been staying on another island, far far away from home. An island known for its peacefulness, and its beauty. Its calmness, its many sources of natural scenic spots. An island that is said to be even worth visit than Bali. The island next to it: Lombok.

Seeing as how I seem to have just made one trip to another, from one place to the other, from month to month, people may take the wrong impression such as if I have thaaat much money to make it happen, where in reality, it really isn't. Of course it's a pain every time I'm checking my savings HAHAHA. But money can always be earned, while you have no idea how much longer you can live in this world. I'm going to write on other posts about my trips... and I'll try to stick with English. Through ups and downs, I'm forever a learner. :)



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