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Tuesday, March 7, 2017

I'm Wondering....

I'm wondering...
If a mere two months can change a person's heart,
Can a mere scratch end a life?

I'm wondering...
If you hadn't disappeared without any goodbye,
Could I accept it if you appeared again in no time with some other girl?

I'm wondering...
If a mere two months can put her as your number one,
Can a person of five year in your life be replaced just like that?

I'm wondering....
Had I been able to hold the bunch of tears that night and be by your side,
Would papa have given you a chance?

I'm wondering....
Had you given your phone number to mama when she asked,
Would you have been fighting for me until this second?

I'm wondering....
Had you not shown me your weak side when I was trying to be strong,
Would I have been able to set you free without this extreme pain?

I'm wondering....
Had you not made me feel that you were so into me,
Would I have been able to open my heart to another person?

I'm wondering...
If I stopped hurting myself like this,
Would happiness come sooner to me?

I'm seriously wondering....
If... a mere two months can in fact change a person's heart,
Can a mere scratch put an end to a sorrowful heart?



Unknown said...

Setiap hati, jiwa Dan raga Manusia, digenggam oleh penciptanya.. Bersabarlah, Karena Dia, pasti menggantikannya dengan yang lebih baik...

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