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Friday, June 20, 2014

It's been A YEARRR

So I just felt soooo damn bored that in all sudden I felt like writing here..
and came to realize, a year has passed by since I last updated the blog.



I still remember clearly my intention in making this blog was to write down all things happened in my life, to make it like a diary of mine (surely by filtering which stories I may publish and which ones I should just keep private), since I realized my memorizing ability isn't very good. But then, as I am busy living my life (pret) and also I can't lie about my high level of laziness lol.. I am getting slow in updating this diary and taraaaa in a glance, it's a year already??

I just changed the blog's template and in a while, will "redecorate" all stuffs here. I'm gonna delete some rubbish posts or any posts I may feel like "did I really write this?? so I used to be this "alay" back then? did i use to be this kind of me??" :p You know, as time goes by, your age is also changing (shortly say: becoming older, I'm not saying I'm getting matured, but yes older definitely is), your basic character may not be changing but who knows what could change your point of view of this life.. Yes, I changed -quite- a lot. :)

I may be updating this blog more often from now on. 

Be ready. :p

Sarah Chen


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