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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

teaching private #2

second thing is they normally speak up what they are thinking.
it's not like us, again, indonesian, that mostly don't dare enough to say something they think could annoy others. right? ya depends on one's character, it does, but as far as i know we mostly think twice or even two nights :p when we are to say something bad.

this happened still on the first day i got there.
when i was going back home, we had a little chat -me and andrea. after this and that, i said to her that i am so sorry if my english isn't really good, i said i am used to be a passive learner. but she, lying on the floor, replied, "no, your english is okay, we can communicate well right?"  me-- :")

another example. 

one day when she was not in the mood to study, she made me accompany her who was facebook-ing. she showed me her friends at JIS, who one of them looked "a bit fat". i spontaneusly said, "this one is fat.." pointed at the one i was talking. you know how she responsed?? she stared at me like cannot believe what i just said, "o, you're so mean.."
glek. yaampun i said she was fat coz i thought i was fat, too, so i wouldn't have said nothing bad bout her friend?? 

then go on to the third thing ya, after this, when i come again later on updating the blog ;)


Shinlee said...

eh, orang asing justru lebih bisa menghargai bahasa inggris orang lain daripada penghargaan orang indonesia sama orang asing yang belajar bahasa indonesia.

yang penting justru berani ngomong dan kelihatan BERUSAHA berbahasa yang bagus, orang asing udah salut kok, lagian mereka juga tahu itu bukan bahasa pertama kita.

coba perhatiin berapa banyak orang indonesia yang ketawa-ketawa pas orang asing ngomong bahasa indonesia terbata-bata, dan berapa banyak orang asing yang ketawa pas orang indonesia berusaha ngomong bahasa inggris yang bagus.

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