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Thursday, November 9, 2017


There are, sadly, a few guys that I know who were kind of obsessed with me. At least there were two (or three!!!) whose existences had become an extreme annoyance to me, so much to the point I even wished they were vanished from this earth. No, not that extreme, just please please please stay away from me.

I am not talking about the guys from my past that had confessed to me, all in polite and acceptable ways. Acceptable, okay..... I respect them all. You need courage to confess, so I appreciated it. Also, because I always agree that everyone is entitled to like just anybody: feelings are not something you can control easily, anyway. But if you are too dumb to keep liking someone and start doing dumb things like clearly stalking her/him when she/he has already made it so clear that you are not their cup of tea and will not ever be, even until the doomsday comes.... Then sorry, you are one helpless asshole. There are tons of girls out there who may be at the same level as you, and yes I am talking about your level of stupidity. Go chase them. Go stalk them. Stop being obsessed with me. You need to have at least... brain... to get my attention.... 

I am not being cocky. Those who know me... know me. I am completely aware that I'm no beauty and all, but fact is, there were quite a lot of guys who were into me. Let's admit that liking someone does not always require Yoona's level of beauty or a body like Sistar's members. Liking someone is all about getting the chemistry with the other party. And beauty is in the eye of the beholder. So I am saying that... well, when you like someone, you just like them. (So I'm not saying I am thaaat good that people confessed to me.) For me, you need to at least know how to make a good conversation with me, not like an intelligent conversation since I'm basically a simpleminded one, but just... be in the same level of intelligence as me. And sorry for being rude but the two guys I mentioned earlier were all very very very dumb I feel sorry for their parents.. And when my low self esteem comes, it is my own self that I blame, "what's wrong in me that people like them happen to like me...". So please... stop. Just stop stalking me. Are you even that idiot..... I am no celebrity, not a daughter of the president, I am nobody. Stop being obsessed with me, let me have a peaceful mind. I am already having a very hard time dealing with my sorrow, parting with a guy I love and getting hurt by the previous guy who happened to have betrayed me unintentionally. Let me at least have the freedom to express myself at least on my soc med, do not idiotically save my pics and videos out of your stupidity..... 

If I set my soc med public, that is because I basically am an open person. I was always taught that women shall never show their beauties to public that it can attract men's desire. And that was why I did not ever show my face back when I first made Friendster account (yeaaa I am that old hahaha). Because, in spite of the inferior feeling that I was ugly, they made me believe that a good muslimah will not do let her face to be enjoyed by all men out there. But now I am not the same me as I was over 10 years ago.... Face is not aurat, I can show it to the world, and if anyone gets something in their mind only by looking at it, then that is completely your business. Not mine. I still cover! Of course it's not easy to completely remove the doctrine I had always been taught for years, and also since I tend to overthink.... But I am not the same Sarah as when I was at middle-high school. I have full rights over my soc med; I can make friends with strangers, they can start conversations with me if we meet by the same hashtags, vice versa. But you know what, dumb people will still be dumb no matter what. Never came to my naive mind before that the dumb guys from the past would still be stalking me... an idiot apparently will still be one no matter what. That is, sadly, one unfortunate fact. 



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